Thursday, November 17, 2011

A minute in the life...

Twindom is full of highs and lows. While me and my sis have been enjoying mainly highs for the last decade, our history is not without its low points (some of the lowest involving boyfriends and jeans...) just comes with the territory. I never expected my toddlers to have such highs and lows of emotion though - I guess I just felt like they were too young for it. But man oh man, do these girls have the most up and down relationship!  I have to say, watching the highs and lows of my two girls is kind of like watching my own life on super fast forward - the love is separated from the hate by, literally, a matter of seconds.

To illustrate, here is a series of 4 photos, taken in the span of not more than 60 seconds:

"Seriously Mom? You're just going to watch her trample me to death?"

"Oh sister, I love playing with you!"

"How dare you steal that toy!"
"Oh sister, you're my favorite!"

Now, take that one minute, multiply by the roughly 600 minutes that they are awake each day, and that's our life. Fun, right? :-)