Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Baby OCD

Rob and I like to tease each other about our little "OCD issues". His primary one is comparison shopping (the man seriously cannot stop comparing...even AFTER he's pulled the trigger on something!). If you ask ME, I'd say I don't have any, but Rob might say that keeping the girls things designated to the right girl is mine. It drives me INSANE when he does things like dresses A in an outfit that someone bought for L, or puts L in A's high chair. My defense? As a twin, I know how important it is that some things are yours all the time and don't HAVE to be shared! What we're finding out is that we may have passed some "quirks" on to our daughters. I'm sure this is all in the realm of "normal" development, but we find ourselves joking about their baby-OCD as much as we joke about each others.
Lauren is the "something that is not supposed to be open is open" alarm. Baby gates, bathroom doors, cupboards...if we left it open, she'll find it and let us know. And keep letting us know. Until we close it, and restore order to her world.
Lauren and Avery are also both VERY stuck on making their stuffed animals, dolls, and barn animal set "stand up" like mommy and daddy make them. Damn our liking things to look neat and orderly at the end of the day! Our nightly tidy of their room has taught them that it is NOT ok for the teddy bears to "lay down" in the cubbies, the barn animals have to have ALL FOUR feet touching the barn floor AND the stall doors MUST be fully closed, and the baby dolls must be sitting upright like a real child (and preferably not leaning on something...). This quirk was kinda cute at first. But now I'm moving on to "it's ok if the teddy bear lays down...he's sleepy and wants to take a nap!". (This doesn't work yet, in case you're curious. But I'm trying!)
The way their animals hafta look before bed time. Or else.
Also - if anyone if this household is wearing an item of clothing with a zipper, it MUST BE ZIPPED UP. God forbid daddy should want to wear his jacket open...it's a crisis until he zips that sucker back up! Unfortunately for me, they love unzipping things, but the zip-up process is beyond them most of the time. So they make the "mommy my zipper is undone and it is CRITICAL that it be zipped back up right this second" sound a lot. And since copying each other is a major pastime at the moment, I often have two kiddo's clamoring for a zip up. Sometimes if I don't laugh, I'll cry!

Miss Avery, all zipped up :-)
One last thing - Rob is ordered to remove his shoes immediately upon entering. We are not a no-shoes household, never have been. But for whatever reason, he's not allowed to keep his shoes on. They must be removed, and put away (one by Avery, one by Lauren....all things must be fair!) as soon as he gets home in order for there to be peace.

Ah, toddlerhood in twinland. Such magic times!

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