Friday, April 15, 2011

Must Love Dogs

Let me get something off my chest: I love my dogs...but I don't necessarily always like my dogs.

They're stinky, drooly, whiny, destructive (diapers and baby toys are a beloved treat), and ALWAYS bark when the babies are trying to nap. More often than not, I find myself asking why on earth I have even one dog, let alone 2!

And then I see the pure joy on my babies faces when they see their dogs. I watch Lauren laugh when Daisy suddenly appears, surprising her. I watch Avery scoot towards the door to the living room so she can get a better look at what the dogs are doing in there. I see them both stop fussing to give a wrestling Daisy and Bella their undivided attention. I find myself calling the dogs in to entertain the babies when I'm home alone with them and in need of some backup. I seem to mind less and less as the days go by that the dogs kiss the babies (and the babies love it, and I'm sure one day soon will kiss back), and I laugh at the girls as they wrinkle up their faces when the dogs whiskers tickle them. I am looking forward to the relationship that my girls will have with their furry "sisters" in the years to come.

So while I've always loved my dogs, the fact that my babies adore them makes me like them again.
Lunging for Bella
Bella is very patient with the (grabby) babies!
It tickles!

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